Sarpy County People’s Choice Award Winner 2014 (more)…

We want to again bring attention to the award we were given to conclude 2014 – the Sarpy County People’s Choice Award for Best Local Band/Performance!
During the month of September, ballots were distributed to every home in Sarpy County.  17,000 total votes were tallied in hundreds of categories.  LFD was voted a winner by readers of the Omaha World Herald, + suburban newspapers including Bellevue Leader, Papillion Times, Gretna Breeze, Ralston Recorder, and The Base!

The band was extremely flattered to have such an honor bestowed upon us, and we want to thank each and every reader for nominating us as your favorite band in the area!  We plan to continue to build our show and grow our fan base even more so in 2015 and also plan to expand our performance territories to spread our music all across the region!!!